About John

John Fleckles Portfolio

Welcome To My Portfolio

I was employed with Sears Holdings Incorporated as a Search Engine Optimization Project Analyst. Among my duties are editing content for SEO best practices, page loading and maintenance. I also review tracking with regard to visits, orders and revenue. Additionally I write copy for the site.

Prior to Sears I wrote copy for Static Multimedia, doing upcoming film feature articles on assignment. I also wrote for Static Multimedia’s sister site, 100% of Nothing, where I contributed articles of my own selection covering film, television, DVD and video games. Within the 100% of Nothing site, I managed the Digital Domain blog, focusing on new DVD and Blu-Ray releases.

I previously was a stringer, contributor and feature writer for the Daily HeraldElmhurst Press and Chicago Athlete Magazine.

I’ve also been employed as a Technical Support Specialist and as a commercial truck driver.

I have experience doing research, editing and proofreading, and meticulous about my finished work. I’ve worked several content management systems and have a working knowledge of Microsoft Office, HTML, and SEO. At my former technical support position I was given high marks for quickly adapting to our proprietary software programs.

I hope you enjoy my work. Please click on the links at the top of the page to view my samples.


John Fleckles